"Yours Truly "'s latest production COMMON MAN Ver 2.0 a play definitely be recommended to be seen by all swimming in the daily routines.There is humour,rich lessons,deep emotions backed by some stellar performance by Nandini Rao .Ranji David is superb with his silent expressions till the last scene when he bursts out with his powerful theatric presentation.
Set Design and Execution deserve a special praise. Agam lends good support on the music front.
Some more punch in dialogues and an easier flow of dialogues can make the Play more attractive.
The highlight of the play is the interactive session so well conducted by Nandini Rao at the end of the play based on which the climax is designed and executed splendidly in a split second second!This is something unique.Don't miss it!
It is always a great experience when you are at the AOL,the divine Ashram created by Sri Sri Ravishankar,especially if you have joined the Satsang when Sri Sri himself participates in it.
The special magic he weaves around you arises out of his simplicity,his unassuming reactions to your queries,his gracious way of teaching meditation in a smooth and loving way.
One can feel his affection flowing in abundance towards him or her.